The tremendous influx of venture capital in the life sciences is affording new and greater opportunities for the most talented C-suite executives. In a recent article published by PharmaVoice, Slone Partners CEO Leslie Loveless offered sage advice to those leaders in the pharmaceutical industry who are thinking hard about their career options.

“With Slone Partners’ focus on building executive teams for startup or early stage life science and healthcare companies, Loveless has had a front row seat to the recent bustle of activity in biotech, and how it’s impacted executive salaries and other hiring trends,” the author wrote.

“Typically, Slone Partners’ clients are companies looking to place candidates, but Loveless also consults executives hoping for a fresh start. Because this position allows her to see both sides of the equation, Loveless says there are common themes to the advice she offers executives on the hunt for a new gig.”

High on the list, according to Loveless, is for executives to build and nurture their professional brand.

“Look at yourself and understand why a company or investor is going to be drawn to you and how you can create that brand,” she advises.

Other tips include taking thoughtful steps when making and maintaining professional connections, being transparent about one’s intentions, and not over asking for high salaries.

“I understand that if you’re at point A, you want to see some financial incentives to make a change to point B,” she says. “But I’m not a fan across the board of salary and title inflation.”

Read or listen to the full article in PharmaVoice here.